Sinusitis Treatment in Los Angeles

The sinuses are cavities that sit around the nasal passage. They are lined with membranes that constantly secrete mucus. Normally this mucus drains into the nose, but the sinuses can become inflamed, preventing proper drainage. When this occurs, the sinuses become stuffed with mucus, causing a number of symptoms. This condition is what is known as sinusitis.

Dr. Aminpour
Happy patient

When it comes to issues relating to the ear, nose or throat, Dr. Shervin Aminpour and his team are able to deal with the full range of symptoms and provide among the best chronic sinusitis treatment Los Angeles has to offer. In actual fact, many of these symptoms point to a single condition: sinusitis, which affects over 37 million Americans every year. Sinusitis has a range of severity, and can be mild or very harsh. Depending upon the severity, different forms of treatment may be recommended. In some cases of sinusitis, therapy delivered by a sinus doctor that is designed to treat allergies and infections may be effective. In other cases, more drastic measures are needed.

Acute sinusitis vs. chronic sinusitis

There are two types of sinusitis: acute and chronic. The main difference between these is how long they last. Acute sinusitis lasts no more than a week, while chronic sinusitis will last up to eight weeks or longer. Acute sinusitis is generally caused by temporary conditions, such as a cold. Once the cold goes away, the inflammation in the sinuses subsides. Chronic sinusitis is caused by more lasting conditions, such as allergies or asthma. Besides the difference in length and causes, acute and chronic sinusitis both produce very similar symptoms. If you are looking to handle these symptoms, you should see Los Angeles allergist, Dr. Aminpour.

Sinusitis symptoms

Sinusitis is identifiable by a number of symptoms. While each of these can point to sinusitis, they may also indicate another condition entirely. For this reason, if you experience the symptoms below, it’s important to visit our ENT doctor in Los Angeles, Dr. Aminpour at his West Hills or Burbank facility for a proper diagnosis.

Sinusitis symptoms include:

  • Postnasal drainage (into the throat) that is yellow or green in color
  • Nasal congestion causing breathing difficulties
  • Pain around the cheeks, nose, forehead or eyes
  • Reduction in your sense of taste or smell
  • Ear pain
  • Aching in the upper jaw
  • Coughing, especially at night
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea
  • Bad breath
  • Tiredness

Causes of sinusitis

While acute and chronic sinusitis share similar symptoms, they are each caused by different factors, and this is actually what causes them to be different conditions.

Chronic Sinusitis

  • Nasal polyps, which can block the nasal passages
  • Allergies, which tend to stick around for months at a time
  • Deviated septum, which usually causes blockage in one or both nostrils
  • Facial trauma, which may cause bone to obstruct the nasal passage
  • Respiratory tract infections can cause inflammation in the nasal passages

Acute Sinusitis

  • Viral infection, such as the common cold
  • Bacterial infection
  • Fungal infection
  • Tooth infection

Dealing with Sinusitis

For patients suffering from certain forms of sinusitis, Dr. Aminpour offers a breakthrough technology called balloon sinuplasty. It is an alternative to sinus surgery. This procedure represents a significant improvement from previous sinusitis treatment methods. As opposed to a comprehensive surgical procedure involving general anesthetic, balloon sinuplasty is completed in minutes with no sedation at all. It is minimally invasive, only using the natural nasal passages. This approach allows patients to walk out our door directly following their surgery, and even drive themselves home.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of chronic sinusitis, skilled sinus doctor Shervin Aminpour can help. He has a practical knowledge in treating thousands of patients suffering the effects of sinusitis. His patients regularly report a total reversal of their symptoms, calling it the best chronic sinusitis treatment in Los Angeles. Dr. Aminpour is also an amazing pediatric ENT in Los Angeles and has helped children who suffer from sinus and other problems. To ask any questions or to set an appointment, please call our office right away. We will be happy to help.


Intersect ENT has developed the PROPEL dissolvable implant for patients with chronic sinusitis that necessitate a sinus surgery. This is the first and only sinus surgery product that is backed by Level 1-A evidence. PROPEL offers localized & controlled drug delivery directly to the sinus tissue. The product is inserted by a physician to maintain the surgical opening, the spring-like implant expands to prop open the ethmoid sinus and gradually delivers an advanced corticosteroid (mometasone furoate) with anti-inflammatory properties directly to the sinus lining as the implant dissolves.

The PROPEL system has been clinically proven to prevent obstruction of the ethmoid sinus following surgery. The results demonstrated improved post-operative outcomes and reduced the need for additional surgical procedures such as adhesion lysis and systemic steroids.

Sinusitis treatment

In the past, sinusitis treatment has often included comprehensive surgery with a long recovery time and quite a bit of discomfort. Today, Dr. Aminpour uses a breakthrough technique known as balloon sinuplasty. This minimally invasive procedure makes no incisions and gives immediate relief to patients suffering from sinusitis. It is usually performed in less than 20 minutes, and patients go home the same day. Dr. Aminpour has become an expert in the balloon sinuplasty technique, making him among the most effective sinus doctors Los Angeles has available.

Learn more about balloon sinuplasty

Sinusitis FAQ

How Does Sinusitis Start?

Sinusitis is when the lining of the sinuses become inflamed or blocked. If you have cold symptoms or discolored nasal drainage that has lasted for more than one week, you could be suffering from sinusitis. When the nasal passages are inflamed and blocked, bacteria and viruses can multiply and affect your sinuses. When mucus backs up and fills the sinus cavities, you start to feel a great deal of pressure and discomfort.

What Effects do Tobacco Smoke and Other Irritants Have on the Sinuses?

The membranes in your nose are continuously working to produce mucus every day to protect your respiratory system. The lining of the nose has tiny hair-like structures called cilia. They serve to clean and protect your nose, sinuses, and lungs of airborne toxins. Tobacco smoke, whether inhaled as the smoker or generally exposed to from being around secondhand smoke, will cause the cilia to stop functioning. Once the protective barrier has been damaged, you are at a higher risk of developing sinus infections.

When Should Surgery be Considered?

When the movement of mucus is continuously blocked due to chronic inflammation, and antibiotics have not been an effective treatment than sinus surgery should be considered.

What Types of Sinusitis are There?

Generally, there are three different types of sinusitis.

  • Acute sinusitis – Probably the most common form of sinusitis starts with the symptoms of a typical cold. Symptoms include a runny nose, congestion in the nose and facial pain. Symptoms can advance very rapidly and generally last two to three weeks.
  • Subacute Sinus Infections – Sinusitis symptoms that last longer than eight weeks. It can also be defined by having three or more sinusitis episodes each year.
  • Chronic Sinus Infections – symptoms can last three months or longer. The symptoms can improve or deteriorate over time. Typically, patients with chronic sinus infections have ongoing symptoms with more problematic flareups.

How Can I Avoid Sinusitis?

The main reason people suffer from sinusitis is because of inflammation within the nose structure. Bacteria and viruses put the body on alert, and it works to keep you healthy. However, a weakened immune system or allergies can lead to sinus infections. To prevent sinus infections, try to avoid harsh irritants, including smoking, perfumed products and harsh cleaning products. If possible, avoid enclosed areas that could expose you to airborne viruses including transportation on buses, subways, taxis, trains, and airplanes. Proactively, you could drink plenty of water, perform daily saline washers and breathe in warm and moist air in a shower or use a humidifier.

Are there at Home Treatments for Sinusitis?

Creating a more humid environment can help treat sinusitis. Warm, wet air is a common way to alleviate the pain. You can produce moisture by breathing in the steam from a pot of boiling water. Humidifiers are a good option if the filters are cleaned regularly. Other options include saline nasal or decongestant sprays or even a warm compress placed over the sinuses.

How Effective are Non-prescription Nose Drops or Sprays?

Nasal sprays and drops are safe and effective to treat symptoms. In some cases, used over a long period of time, they can aggravate symptoms. It is important to follow the label directions carefully. For chronic sinusitis, it is important to have the condition evaluated by Dr. Aminpour, a specialist.

What Other Options do I Have to Improve Sinusitis?

You can benefit from Dr. Aminpour’s breakthrough technique known as balloon sinuplasty if you suffer from chronic sinusitis. With no incisions, this minimally invasive procedure can offer immediate relief to those suffering from sinusitis. The procedure will take 20 minutes and you can return home immediately after your treatment.

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