
While deviated septums affect millions of people in the US, there is a form of treatment that can deliver permanent relief. A septoplasty is a surgical procedure to straighten a deviated septum, ridding the patient of symptoms such as nosebleeds, facial pain, nasal congestion and more. As a practitioner who has delivered thousands of septoplasty surgeries, Dr. Aminpour is reported by his patients to deliver the best deviated septum surgery Los Angeles has available. If you would like to set an appointment, please call our office today.

Dr. Aminpour
Happy patient

Deviated Septum Overview

The septum is the piece of cartilage and bone that separates the two nostrils. When the septum is straight, it allows air to pass smoothly through the nostrils. When the septum is deviated (crooked) it results in difficulty breathing through the nose as well as a number of other issues, including:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Facial pain
  • Headache
  • Postnasal drip
  • Snoring
  • Difficult breathing
  • Sinus pressure
  • Sleep apnea
example of a normal septum and a deviated one

Each of these symptoms can be mild or severe, depending on the degree of deviation in the septum. Whatever the case, septoplasty can restructure the septum, creating unrestricted balanced airflow.

Causes of Deviated Septum

The septum is easily injured through sports activities, falls or minor accidents. Unless the injury was severe, deviated septum can remain undiagnosed until breathing difficulties become pronounced. In some cases this condition is present at birth either from the stress of childbirth or prenatal injury.

Deviated Septum Surgery Procedure

A septoplasty is a surgical procedure to reposition the cartilage and bone in the septum. It only uses incisions placed inside the nose, which leaves no visible scarring after the procedure.

A septoplasty may be done using local or general anesthesia. This depends on many different things, one of which is your personal preference. After a thorough examination and consultation, Dr. Aminpour will listen to your needs and incorporate them into your treatment to create the best result possible. He strives to perform the best septoplasty Los Angeles can provide, giving you results you will love.

During your deviated septum surgery with Los Angeles ENT Dr. Aminpour, he carefully repositions the bone and cartilage in the nose. This may require removing some bone to make room for rearrangement. He will take all the time necessary to ensure your septum is completely straight so air can flow equally through both nostrils. Once he is done, he will use nasal splints to keep the septum in place while it heals.

A septoplasty is usually performed in 1-2 hours in Dr. Aminpour's Los Angeles facility. It is an outpatient procedure and most patients can go home the same day. Due to the use of anesthesia, you must arrange for a ride home—you will not be allowed to drive for the first 24 hours after the procedure.

Septoplasty Recovery

It is important to follow the written instructions provided by Dr. Aminpour to ensure a complete and uncomplicated recovery. It is necessary to keep your head elevated using several pillows and to avoid lying flat. Take only the medication that has been prescribed for you. If you have any questions concerning medication, please call the office.

There will be a bandage under the nose to collect blood and fluid, which will drain for about a week. The bandages will need to be changed frequently over the first 24 hours.

Nasal congestion will be present for a few weeks as the nasal passage heal. Do not blow your nose during the first week. Avoid the urge to clean the inside of the nose, as this will disturb the healing process. You can clean the outside of your nose gently.

Avoid drinking alcohol or taking any pain medication such as aspirin or Motrin, which are NSAIDs. This will increase bleeding which can cause healing complications.

Dr. Aminpour is a perfectionist who prides himself on performing world class septoplasty in his Los Angeles clinic. Following his instructions carefully will ensure your results are exactly what you were hoping for; easy unrestricted breathing.

Results from Your Los Angeles Septoplasty

Septoplasty offers patients an effective and permanent solution to breathing and related difficulties that have plagued them for many years. Dr. Aminpour is proud to deliver among the best deviated septum surgery Los Angeles offers. Patients uniformly report a total reversal of their symptoms. They can breathe more easily, have no more nasal congestion, are free from sinus headaches and can finally enjoy a good night’s sleep. Patients report having a much higher quality of life as a result of septoplasty surgery.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of a deviated septum, come see Dr. Aminpour for a consultation and examination and get one step closer to being pain-free with among the best septoplasty Los Angeles offers.

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